Medicine Lodge
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On Line Bill Pay is now here for your Utility Bill payment.

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to get set up today.

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Water, Sewer, and Solid Waste (Trash)

The City of Medicine Lodge provides water, sewer, and contracts with Nisly Brother’s Inc, for trash service. You can sign up for service at City Hall, located at 114 W. First Ave. Medicine Lodge. You can also call us at (620) 886-3908 to make arrangements to have a service work order form faxed, e-mailed, or mailed to you.

Before service can be connected you must complete a work order, pay a $100.00 connection fee, photo i.d. and if you are renting the property, a copy of your lease will be needed.

Trash containers are provided by Nisly Brother’s Inc. There should be a green trash container and a tan recycle container at every property. If not please call City Hall.

Nisly’s will not pick trash up on the following holiday’s. Each holiday will cause a one day delay in trash pick up.

  • New Year’s Day
  • Martin Luther King Jr Day
  • Memorial Day
  • Independence Day
  • Labor Day
  • Columbus Day
  • Veterans Day
  • Thanksgiving Day
  • Christmas Day

Gas, Electric, Cable and Telephone

Gas service in Medicine Lodge is provided by Kansas Gas Service: (800) 794-4780.

Electric service is provided by Southern Pioneer Electric: (620) 886-5100, office located at 3997 NE Well Rd., Medicine Lodge.

Internet, and phone services are provided by:

AT&T: (800) 844-4258
SCTelcom: (877) 723-6875 or (620) 930-1000

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